I saw this image below of my 2nd cousin’s barrel garden on Facebook in 2013 and they work great for our flowers and our tomatoes.

Abby's garden, radishes, peas, strawberries, lettuce
Abby’s garden, radishes, peas, strawberries, lettuce

I just thought her barrel garden was so neat and organized.  Plus for the city we could rearrange the barrels around our small lot or even put some outside the house.  Our city version

barrel garden May 2017
barrel garden May 2017

Garden Barrels do a great job with tomatoes. Tomatoes in June.

cherry tomatoes June 2017
cherry tomatoes June 2017

Tomatoes in July

They can be purchased at any garden store.  You just have to be careful as they will dry out faster due to the air circulation around the barrel.  If the plants were in the ground the dirt is protected from the air.