Looking for a nice refreshing veggie topping for salads, pastas or to change up a meal, try mixing cucumbers, little cherry tomatoes and some basil.  In our little garden we had a bowl full of tomatoes and cucumbers.  What to do?

So we created a mix:

  • Cucumbers sliced in half and then cut into half moons (recommend using a vegetable peeler on the cucumber skin and create stripes.  The skin can be tough but by peeling some of the skin away you can retain some of the nutrients in the skin and the softness of the cucumber.
  • Cut the tomatoes into quarters
  • Chop up some fresh basil for flavor
  • Mix in a bowl
  • Splash with Olive oil
  • Sprinkle of salt
  • Splash of red wine vinegar

Let the mixture sit in the refrigerator for a few hours, before use.

A great topping for salads or others meals where you are looking to do something with cucumbers.

cucumber tomatoes basil
cucumber tomatoes basil